Anomalous absorption during artificial modification at harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency
A. J. Stocker
Search for more papers by this authorT. R. Robinson
Search for more papers by this authorT. B. Jones
Search for more papers by this authorA. J. Stocker
Search for more papers by this authorT. R. Robinson
Search for more papers by this authorT. B. Jones
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
Observations of the anomalous absorption of low-power HF probe waves caused by the action of a high-power HF ordinary mode radio wave are presented. At pump frequencies in the vicinity of harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency the anomalous absorption measured on the low-power probe waves exhibit local minima. Also at these frequencies, large-scale changes deduced from phase measurements of the low-power probe waves and heater self-absorption are reduced, whereas the growth time of the anomalous absorption is increased. The electron gyrofrequency estimated from the frequency of the absorption minimum compares favorably with that derived from the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) magnetic field model.
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